This year Disney brings two of the most favorite and beloved movies together on ice. Frozen and Encanto will be featured during this year’s event. Even the Mouse himself won’t miss this cold event! You will still be able to see the rest of the Disney crew during the show. Mickey, Goofy, and the rest of the gang will dash through with a big musical number.
Audiences will see Anna, Elsa, Mirabel, and the Madrigal family live, as well as fan favorites Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald, Goofy, and many more.
Disney On Ice is a great show for people of all ages! Disney On Ice transports the characters from both these movies into the real world. Both movies are renown and very successful out of the real world as popular films so, there is no doubt they will be successful on ice!
Disney On Ice takes place at the Selland Arena on January 28th at 11:00 am. The Disney Crew hopes to see you there!