Many people wonder what to do after high school. Most people just go to college, but some others do not go due to financial problems. College can be expensive, but helpful in the future when it comes to getting a job. There are many other options other than college after high school though.
First, you can start a business. Do not worry, you can certainly start it with no degree. It is not a straightforward process though. This process usually takes up to 6 months to a year. Service businesses can be launched within 3 months, online businesses in about 4 and a half weeks. Small business owners in the United States make between 83,000 to 12,600 on average.
You can even join the military after high school. You can enlist directly or join a program that offers a 4-year degree and military instruction. Options include senior military colleges, military service academics, and maritime. These programs give financial aid to students who qualify.
Trade schools are a common option next to college after high school. A trade school is a vocational or technical school. It provides training and education in specific trades. This path can offer affordable well-paying careers. This process will be fast as well. All of these options are a little challenging but will lead to success and well paying jobs